You haven’t heard of StumbleUpon?

It still amazes me to hear that people haven’t heard of StumbleUpon. Even with the proliferation of Twitter, Facebook, and personal blogs (even though I was late to join that bandwagon), StumbleUpon has surprisingly stayed on the down low. Yes, it’s normally one of those little symbols included in the flood of social icons you see everywhere, so I can see how it’s overlooked, but it still amazes me to hear that people don’t know what StumbleUpon is and all it’s glory.

StumbleUpon allows you to do just that, stumble… on the web (A). Some of the most inspirational things I have come across online haven’t been passed to me by teachers or co-workers, rather this simple little browser add-on button (B). All you do is sign up and press the button. The result, a random website.

Sure, we all want to see baby animals with adorably misspelled caption bubbles, or pictures of “Epic Fails” but Stumble can be a little more powerful than that. Specify your interests (C), anything from Graphic Design to Forensics, to Skydiving, then Stumble. This results in web content more relevant to what you actually want to see.

So, if you don’t already have it, I strongly encourage you to get it. Whether you’re searching for a source of inspiration or are just bored out of your mind, StumbleUpon is a perfect way to spend (waste) some time.

[Now for my shameless plug] You can start by “Stumbling” this page (D). It’ll take you to a link to give me a “Thumbs Up.” When this is done, it adds that page to the StumbleUpon database. This allows other Stumblers to find more web content thus growing StumbleUpon and making it a richer online application. Plus you can help promote your blogs and web pages… Give it a try!

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